TAMASHII NATIONS - Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom - Infinite Justice Gundam Type II, Bandai Spirits Metal Robot Spirits Figure

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  • Metal Robot Spirits Infinite Justice Gundam Type II from the movie Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom is now available!
  • The model’s painting recreates the characteristic coloring from the movie. Original markings are applied to the entire body, pursuing a sense of density as a weapon
  • Numerous beam effect accessories are included that can recreate the characteristic armaments such as the head part’s MA-F2002 Spitze Schwert Beam horn and the leg part’s MMI-S1M7 Tonitrus heavy beam cutting leg. M2X32E Volantes backpack can be unfolded to recreate the flight mode while MA-R259 Beam Riser on the wing can also be unfolded to recreate either the gun or slasher mode
  • [Set Contents] Main body, Exchangeable hand left/right x 4 types, Backpack, Beam Saber handle x 2, Connecting Beam Saber handle, Beam Saber blade x 2, High energy Beam Rifle, Railgun, Shield, Shield grip, Shield Beam blade 2types, Grapple Stinger, Beam effect parts for the head, Beam effect parts for the wings x 4, Left/right beam effect parts for the legs x 2 each, Beam Shield effect parts, Shield joint parts, Railgun joint parts, Display stand joint set, Original display stand set
  • The product box will have a Bandai Namco warning label, which is proof that you are purchasing an officially licensed Bandai Spirits product